옐로아이디 친구 추가 @프랑스 네이버 하이프랑스 블로그 네이버 하이프랑스 카페 불어 공부방 쎄비앙프랑스어학원 시원스쿨 프랑스어

Antibes CIA 주니어 불어연수

Antibes CIA 주니어 불어연수

2014-06-14 13:55:08

운영자 조회:951

앙티브 (Antibes), 깐느(Cannes) 주니어 불어연수 프로그램 KIT




Padlock: It is mandatory that students bring their own padlock. There is no safe in any of our campuses but it's possible to lock the cupboards found in the rooms with a padlock. Thus, it’s very important that students keep safe their personal belongings locked in the cupboard of their room.


Identity photo: Each student is asked to bring an identity photo for his/her student card.


Pocket money: 80-100 € per week in cash as pocket money is enough. In case of an emergency, the school will charge a 50 € fee for each money transfer request from the parents to the students.


Towels: Each student is asked to bring his/her own towels as they are not provided by the school.




Unaccompanied minors: Please let us know in advance if your students arrive with the UM option and give the following names from our school to the airline companies: DEYRE-HEYRAUD GREGORY. Please make sure that the option is booked and paid for both ways.


Shared transfer to the campus:  Upon their arrival in Nice International airport, the students will be met by our representative who will be wearing a yellow CIA T-shirt.  We are offering several shared transfers during the day (2 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon). That means that before being transferred to the campus, students may have to wait with a group leader in order to gather students arriving via other incoming flights (maximum of 2 hours). Juniors will be accompanied by a member of our staff during any waiting time spent at the airport.




Cleaning: the rooms will be thoroughly cleaned once a week (Friday, Saturday or Sunday). Light cleaning is done every day (emptying the bins). Students have to keep their bedroom tidy and clean.


Bank holidays: We also remind you that no classes are held on the French bank holiday (July 14th and August 15th).


Room access: Access to the rooms depends on the schedule posted on each campus. The rooms are closed:

From 8:15 to 12:00 – during French lessons

From 1:30 to 6:00 – during the activities/excursions/free time

From 8:30 to 10:15 – during the evenings




Allergies: We have an increasing number of students who are intolerant to gluten. Please note that these students must come with their own special food (bread, pastas etc.) or take a gluten diet option (at 20€/week) when accommodated in a host family.


Generally speaking, students suffering from a special allergy are accepted only if they are capable of managing their allergy independently. We accept no responsibility with regards to allergic reactions. It is mandatory that you inform us about all student's allergies when enrolling as we need this information to place your student in a correct host family.




If a student seriously violates certain rules (drugs, alcohol, violence, verbal or physical aggression, thefts or in case of threatening behavior towards fellow students or other people) he/she will be expelled immediately. 




You can download our welcome information pack with more detailed information from the following link :


학비및 숙소비 정보 : http://www.hifrance.co.kr/iss/view.php?&ss[fc]=4&bbs_id=langue&page=&doc_num=5



Antibes CIA 주니어 불어연수

홈페이지 : http://www.hifrance.co.kr, hit:250

1/23, 총 글수 : 455

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